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Province :

  • 825 000+ jeunes de l’Alberta ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 315 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 45 000 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 
  • Plus de 1 100 enseignants sont formés comme instructeurs en RCR pour former leurs élèves. 
  • ACT optimise présentement le programme de RCR avec la formation sur le DEA.  

ACE Place Learning Centre
Acme School
Alix-MAC School
Altario School
Alternative High School
Amiskwaciy Academy
Andrew High School
Anzac Community School-Bill Woodward School
Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School
Archbishop MacDonald Catholic High School
Archbishop O’Leary High School
Ardrossan Junior Senior High School
Ashmont Secondary School
Assumption Junior Senior High School
Athabasca Delta Community School
Atikameg School
Austin O’Brien Catholic High School
Banff Community High School
Barons School
Barrhead Composite High School
Bashaw High School
Bawlf School
Beaumont Composite High School
Beaverlodge Regional High School
Beiseker Community School
Bellerose Composite High School
Bentley School
Berry Creek Community School
Bert Church High School
Bev Facey Community High
Bishop Carroll High School
Bishop Grandin
Bishop McNally High School
Bishop O’Byrne High School
Black Gold Outreach School
Blessed Sacrament Outreach School
Blessed Sacrament School
Bonnyville Centralized High School
Bonnyville Off-Campus School
Bow Valley High School
Bowden Grandview School
Bowness High School
Boyle School
Braemar School
Brant Christian School
Breaking Point School
Breton High School
Brooks Composite High School
Buck Mountain Central School
Calgary Christian School
Calling Lake School
Calmar Secondary School
Camrose Composite High School
Canmore Collegiate High School
Carbon School
Cardston Senior High School
Career Pathways School
Caroline School
Catholic Central High School
Centennial High School
Central Bow Valley School
Central High Sedgewick Public School
Central Memorial High School
Centre Communautaire Scolaire Boreal
Chestermere High School
Christ the King School
Coalhurst High School
Cochrane High School
Cold Lake High School
Cold Lake Off-Campus School
Connections For Learning
Consort School
Coronation School
County Central High School
Cremona School
Crescent Heights High School
Crownest Consolidated High School
David Thompson High School
Daysland School
Delburne School
Delia School
Delnorte School
Dewberry School
Didsbury High School
Drayton Christian School
Drayton Valley Community Outreach
Dr. Anne Anderson High School
Dr. E. P. Scarlett High
Dr. Folkins Community School
Dr. Mary Jackson School
Drumheller Composite High School
Drumheller Outreach School
Duchess School
E. W. Pratt High School
E. H. Walter School
Eagle Butte High School
Eaglesham School
Eastglen School
Eckville Junior/Senior High School
École Beausejour
École de la Rose Sauvage
École des Beaux-Lacs
École Desrochers (publique)
École du Sommet
École Heritage
École La Verendrye
École Mallaig Community School
École Maurice Lavalée
École Olds High School
École Plamondon School
École Saint-Christophe
École Secondaire Notre Dame High School (Red Deer)
École Secondaire Sainte Marguerite D’Youville
École Sainte-Marguerite-Bourgeoys
École Voyageur
Edgerton Public School
Edmonton Christian School
Edwin Parr Composite School
Erle Rivers High School
Ermineskin Junior Senior High School
Ernest Manning High School
F. P. Walshe School
F. G. Miller Junior Senior High School
Fairview & Area Learning Store
Fairview High School
Father Lacombe High School
Father Patrick Mecredi Community High School
Foothills Composite High School
Foremost School
Forest Lawn High
Forestburg School
Fort Assiniboine School
Fort McMurray Composite High School
Fort Saskatchewan High School
Foundations for the Future Charter High School
Fox Creek School
Frank Maddock High School
George McDougall High School
Georges P. Vanier School
Gerard Redmond Community
Glendon School
Glenmary High School
Golden Hills Virtual School
Grand Trunk High School
Grande Cache Community High School
Grande Prairie Christian School
Grande Prairie Composite High School
Grassland Community School
Grimshaw Junior Senior High School
Grouard Northland School
Gus Wetter School
H. A. Kostash School
H. J. Cody School
H. W. Pickup School
Hairy Hill Colony School
Harry Ainlay School
Harry Collinge High School
Hay Lakes School
Heinsburg Community School
Henry Wise Wood High School
Heritage Christian Academy
High Level Public School
Highwood School
Hillside Junior Senior High School
Hilltop Junior Senior High School
Hines Creek Composite
Holy Cross Collegiate
Holy Redeemer Catholic High School
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Edmonton)
Holy Trinity Academy (Drayton Valley)
Holy Trinity Academy (Okotoks)
Horizon Mennonite Alternative Program
Hugh Sutherland School
Hughenden School
Hunting Hills High School
Hussar School
Innisfail Jr. Sr. High School
Irma School
J. H. Picard Catholic School
J. R. Robson High School
J. A. Williams High School
J. C. Charyk School
J. C. Percy Page School
J. T. Foster School
Jack James High School
James Fowler High School
Jasper Junior/Senior High School
Jasper Place High School
John G. Diefenbaker High School
John Maland High School
John Paul II High School
Kate Andrews High School
Kateri School
Kinuso School
Kitscoty Junior Senior High School
La Crete Public School
Lac La Biche Off Campus School
L’Académie Vimy Ridge Academy
Lacombe Composite High School
Lakeside Outreach
Lamont High School
Leduc Composite High School
Lester B. Pearson High
Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Lillian Osborne High School
Lindsay Thurber High School
Little Buffalo School
Livingstone School
Lomond Community School
Lord Beaverbrook High School
Lord Shaughnessy High School
Louis St. Laurent Catholic Junior/Senior High School
Louise Dean Centre
L. Y. Cairns High School
M.E. LaZerte School
Magrath High School
Mallaig Community School
Mannville School
Marwayne Jubilee School
Masters Academy & College
Matthew Halton High School
Mayerthorpe Junior Senior High School
McCoy High School
McNally School
Medicine Hat High School
Memorial Composite High School
Millwoods Christian School
Milo School
Mistassiny School
Morinville Community High School
Morrin National Sport School
Mother Margaret Mary High School
Neerlandia Public Christian School
New Myrnam School
New Norway School
New Sarepta Community High School
Next Step Junior/Senior High Outreach
Noble Central School
Northland Online School
Notre Dame Collegiate (High River)
Notre Dame High School (Bonnyville)
Notre Dame High School (Calgary)
Oilfields High School
Old Scona Academic School
Olds Jr. Sr. High School
Onoway Junior Senior High School
Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School
Our Lady of the Rockies High School
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy
Pace Outreach School
Paddle Prairie School
Palliser Education Centre
Parkland Composite High School
Paul Kane High School
Paul Rowe Junior Senior High School
Peace River High School
Peace Wapiti Academy
Peerless Lake School
Picture Butte High School
Pigeon Lake Regional School
Plain Lake Colony School
Ponoka Composite High School
Prairie Christian Academy
Prairie River Jr. High School
Prairie View Outreach
Provost Public School
Queen Elizabeth High School (Calgary)
Queen Elizabeth High School (Edmonton)
Rainbow Lake School
Raymond High School
Red Earth Creek School
Redwater School
Revelation Online – Sacred Heart Centre
Richard F. Staples High School
Ridgevalley School
Rimbey Junior Senior High School
River Glen School
Rocky Christian School
Rocky Lane School
Rocky View Virtual School
Roland Michener Secondary School
Rosemary School
Ross Sheppard School
Ryley School
Salisbury Composite High School
Sangudo Community School
Savanna School
School of Hope
Senator Gershaw School
Sequoia Outreach School
Sexsmith Secondary School
Sir William Van Horne High
Sir Winston Churchill High School (Calgary)
Sir Winston Churchill High School (Lethbridge)
Smith School
South Central High School
Spirit River Regional Academy
Springbank Community High School
Spruce Grove Composite High School
Spruce View Shool
St. Albert Catholic High School
St. Albert Storefront School
St. Anthony School (Drayton Valley)
St. Anthony School (Drumheller)
St. Augustine Secondary School
St. Dominic Catholic High School
St. Francis High School (Calgary)
St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School (Edmonton)
St. Gabriel Cyber School
St. Gabriel The Archangel School
St. Jerome School
St. Joseph High School (Edmonton)
St. Joseph Catholic High School (Whitecourt)
St. Joseph Collegiate (Brooks)
St. Joseph’s High School (Grande Prairie)
St. Martin de Porres High School
St. Mary of the Lake Catholic School
St. Mary’s High School (Calgary)
St. Mary’s School (Taber)
St. Mary’s School (Vegreville)
St. Mary’s School (Westlock)
St. Michael’s School
St. Oscar Romero Catholic High School
St. Paul Alternate Education Centre
St. Paul Regional High School
St. Paul Store Front Campus
St. Paul’s Academy – Centre for Learning
St. Paul’s Academy – Outreach Center
St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Provost)
St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Spruce Grove)
St. Thomas More Catholic School
St. Timothy Junior Senior High School
St. Andrew’s School
St. Michael’s School (Bow Island)
Stirling High School
Storefront School
Strathcona Christian Academy
Strathcona School
Strathmore High School
Strathmore Storefront School
Sturgeon Composite High School
Sundre High School
Swan Hills School
Taber Christian High School
Thorhild Central School
Thorsby Junior Senior High School
Three Hills School
Tilley School
Tofield School
Trochu Valley Outreach School
Trochu Valley School
Two Hills Mennonite School
Two Hills School
Vauxhall High School
Vegreville Composite High
Vermillion Outreach School
Victoria School
Viking School
Vilna School
Vimy Ridge Academy
Visions West Outreach School
W. G. Murdoch School
W. P. Wagner School
W. R. Myers High School
Wainwright High School
Warburg School
Warner School
West Central High School
Western Canada High Schoool
Westmount Charter School
Westwood Community High School
Wetaskiwin Composite High School
William Aberhart High School
William E. Hay Composite High School
Willow Creek Composite High School
Winston Churchill High School
Woodside School
Worsley Central School

Province :

  • 724 000 jeunes de la Colombie-Britannique ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 245 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 46 000 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 
  • Plus de 1 450 enseignants sont formés comme instructeurs en RCR pour former leurs élèves. 
  • ACT optimise présentement le programme de RCR avec la formation sur le DEA.  

Acwasaltca School
A. R. MacNeill Secondary School
A. L. Fortune Secondary School
Abbotsford Senior Secondary School
Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School
Agassiz Elementary/Secondary School
Alberni District Secondary School
Aldergrove Community Secondary School
Alpha Secondary School
Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School
Argyle Secondary School
Ballenas Secondary School
Balmoral Jr. Secondary School
Barriere Secondary School
Belmont Secondary School
Bert Bowes Jr. Secondary School
Boston Bar Elementary-Secondary School
Boundary Central Secondary School
Britannia Secondary School
Brocklehurst Middle School
Brooks Secondary School
Brookswood Secondary School
Burnaby Central Secondary School
Burnaby Mountain Secondary School
Burnaby North Secondary School
Burnaby South Secondary School
Burnsview Secondary School
Byrne Creek Secondary School
Caledonia Secondary School
Cariboo Hill Secondary School
Carihi Secondary School
Carson Graham Secondary School
Cedar Community Secondary School
Centennial Christian School
Centennial Secondary School
Central Programs and Services
Charles Bloom Secondary School
Charles Hays Secondary School
Chase Secondary School
Chatelech Secondary School
Chemainus Secondary School
Chetwynd Secondary School
Chilliwack Secondary School
Claremont Secondary School
Clarence Fulton Secondary School
Clayton Heights Secondary School
Clearview Elementary-Secondary School
Clearwater Secondary School
Cloverdale Learning Centre
College Heights Secondary School
Constable Neil Bruce Middle School
Coquitlam Alternate Basic Education (CABE)
Correlieu Secondary School
Cowichan Secondary School
Cowichan Valley Open Learning Cooperative
D. P. Todd Secondary School
D. W. Poppy Secondary School
David Stoddart School
David Thompson Secondary School
Dawson Creek Secondary School
Delta Secondary School
Delview Secondary School
Desert Sands Community School
Don Ross Middle School
Dover Bay Secondary School
Dr. Charles Best Secondary School
Dr. Kearney Middle School
Duchess Park Secondary School
Eagle River Secondary School
Earl Marriott Secondary School
École Salish Secondary School
Edward Milne Community School
Electric Education
Elgin Park Secondary School
Elkford Secondary School
Elphinstone Secondary School
Enver Creek Secondary School
Esquimalt High School
Fernie Secondary School
Fleetwood Park Secondary School
Fort Nelson Secondary School
Fort St. James Secondary School
Four Directions Secondary School
Frances Kelsey Secondary School
Frank Hurt Secondary School
Fraser Heights Secondary School
Fraser Lake Elementary-Secondary School
Fraserview Learning Centre
G. W. Graham Secondary School
G. P. Vanier Secondary School
Garibaldi Secondary School
George Elliot Secondary School
Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School
Gladstone Secondary School
Gleneagle Secondary School
Golden Secondary School
Grand Forks Secondary School
Grandview Heights Secondary School
Gudangaay Tlaats'gaa Naay Secondary School
Guildford Learning Centre
Guildford Park Secondary School
Gulf Islands Secondary School
H. J. Cambie Secondary School
Handsworth Secondary School
Hatzic Middle School
Hazelton Secondary School
Heritage Park Middle School
Heritage Woods Secondary School
Highland Secondary School
Holy Cross Regional High School
Hope Secondary School
Houston Secondary School
Howe Sound Secondary School
Hudson’s Hope Elementary-Secondary School
Hugh Boyd Secondary School
Hugh McRoberts Secondary School
Immaculata Regional High School
J. Lloyd Crowe Secondary School
J. L. Jackson Secondary School
J. N. Burnett Secondary School
John Barsby Community School
John McInnis Jr. Secondary School
Johnston Heights Secondary School
Kalamalka Secondary School
Kamloops School of the Arts
Keith Lynn Alternate School
Kelly Road Secondary School
Kelowna Secondary School
Killarney Secondary School
King George Secondary School
Kitimat City High School
Kitsilano Secondary School
Kumsheen Secondary School
Kwalikum Secondary School
Kwantlen Park Secondary School
L. A. Matheson Secondary School
L. V. Rogers Secondary School
Ladysmith Secondary School
Lake City Secondary School
Lake Cowichan Secondary School
Lakes District Secondary School
Lakewood Secondary School
Lambrick Park Secondary School
Langley Fine Arts School
Langley Fundamental Middle and Secondary School
Langley Secondary School
Lillooet Secondary School
Logan Lake Secondary School
Lord Byng Secondary School
Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School
Lucerne Elementary-Secondary School
Mackenzie Secondary School
Magee Secondary School
Maple Ridge Secondary School
Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School
McBride Secondary School
McNair Secondary School
Merritt Secondary School
Mission Secondary School
Moscrop Secondary School
Mountainside Secondary School
Mount Baker Secondary School
Mount Boucherie Secondary School
Mount Douglas Secondary School
Mount Elizabeth Secondary School
Mount Sentinel Secondary School
Nakusp Secondary School
Nanaimo District Secondary School
Nechako Valley Secondary School
New Westminster Secondary School
Nisga’a Elem.- Sec. School
Norkam Secondary School
North Delta Secondary School
North Island Secondary School
North Peace Secondary School
North Surrey Learning Centre
North Surrey Secondary School
Notre Dame Regional Secondary School
Oak Bay High School
Okanagan Mission Secondary School
Osoyoos Secondary School
Pacific Christian School
Pacific Secondary School
Panorama Ridge Secondary School
Parkland Secondary School
Parkside Secondary School
PASS/Woodlands Alternate School
Pemberton Secondary School
Pender Harbour Elem.-Secondary School
Penticton Secondary School
Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School
Pinetree Secondary School
Pitt Meadows Secondary School
Pleasant Valley Secondary School
Point Grey Secondary School
Port Hardy Secondary School
Port Moody Secondary School
Prespatou Elem. - Secondary School
Prince Charles Secondary School
Prince George Secondary School
Prince of Wales Secondary School
Princess Margaret Secondary School (Okanagan Skaha)
Princess Margaret Secondary School (Surrey)
Princeton Secondary School
Queen Elizabeth Secondary School
R. C. Palmer Secondary School
R. E. Mountain Secondary School
Revelstoke Secondary School
Reynolds Secondary School
Richmond Secondary School
Rick Hansen Secondary School
Riverside Secondary School
Robert Bateman Secondary School
Robert McMath Secondary School
Rockridge Secondary School
Rossland Summit School
Rutland Senior Secondary School
Sa-Hali Secondary School
Saint John Brebeuf Regional Secondary School
St. Andrew’s Regional High School
St. Ann’s Academy
St. Patrick Regional Secondary School
Salmon Arm Secondary School
Samuel Robertson Technical Secondary School
Sands Secondary School
Sardis Secondary School
Seaquam Secondary School
Selkirk Secondary School
Semiahmoo Secondary School
Senior Learning Alternatives
Sentinel Secondary School
Seycove Secondary School
Similkameen Elementary/Secondary School
Sir Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School
Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School
Skeena Middle School
Skyline Alternate School
Smithers Secondary School
South Delta Secondary School
South Kamloops Secondary School
Southern Okanagan Secondary School
Sparwood Secondary School
Spectrum Community School
Stanley Humphries Secondary School
Stelly’s Secondary School
Steveston-London Secondary School
Sullivan Heights Secondary School
Summerland Secondary School
Sunshine Coast Alternative School
Surrey Traditional School
Sutherland Secondary School
Tamanawis Secondary School
Templeton Secondary School
Terry Fox Secondary School
The Link @ Burnside
Thomas Haney Secondary School
Thornhill Secondary School
Timberline Secondary School
Tumbler Ridge Secondary School
Twin Rivers Education Centre
Ucluelet Secondary School
Valemount Secondary School
Valleyview Secondary School
Vancouver Technical Secondary School
Vedder Middle School
Vernon Secondary School
Victoria High School
W. J. Mouat Secondary School
W. L. Seaton Secondary School
Walnut Grove Secondary School
Wellington Secondary School
West Vancouver Secondary School
Westsyde Secondary School
Westview Secondary School
Whistler Secondary School
Windermere Community School
Windsor Secondary School
Woodlands Secondary School
Yale Secondary School
Youth Learning Centre

Province :

  • 60 000 jeunes du Manitoba ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 21 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 3 400 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants.  

Arborg Collegiate Institute
Collège Miles Macdonnell Collegiate
Collège Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau
Collège Sturgeon Creek Collegiate
Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School
Decker Colony School
Garden Valley Collegiate
Gimli High School
John Taylor Collegiate
Kildonan East Collegiate
Murdoch Mackay Collegiate
Neelin High School
Nisichawayasihk Neyo Ohtinwak Collegiate
R.D. Parker Collegiate
River East Collegiate
Riverton Collegiate Institute
Silver Heights Collegiate
St. James Collegiate
Transcona Collegiate
Vincent Massey High School
Westwood Collegiate

Province :

  • 26 000 jeunes du Nouveau-Brunswick ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 10 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 2 300 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 
  • Plus de 50 enseignants sont formés comme instructeurs en RCR pour former leurs élèves. 

Fredericton High School
École l’Odyssée
Harrison Trimble High School
Leo Hayes High School
Moncton High School
Riverview High School
Tantramar High School

Province :

  • 11 000 jeunes de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 14 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 1 700 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 

Baltimore School
Brookside Intermediate School
D. C. Young School
Fatima Academy
Holy Spirit High School
Jens Haven Memorial School
Laval High School
Mushuau Innu Natuashish School
St. Kevin's Senior High School
St. Lewis Academy
St. Mary’s All Grade
St. Michael's Regional High School
St. Peter's Junior High School
Stella Maris Academy

Territoire :
Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Communiquez avec nous si vous désirez vous joindre à notre programme.

Province :

Communiquez avec nous si vous désirez vous joindre à notre programme.

Territoire :

  • La Fondation ACT a intégré le programme de RCR au secondaire à Iqaluit en 2003.

Inuksuk High School

Province :

  • 3.1 millions de jeunes de l’Ontario ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 790 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 165 000 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 
  • Plus de 2 800 enseignants sont formés comme instructeurs en RCR pour former leurs élèves. 
  • ACT optimise présentement le programme de RCR avec la formation sur le DEA.  

A. B. Lucas Secondary School
A. N. Myer Secondary School
A. Y. Jackson Secondary School (Ottawa)
A. Y. Jackson Secondary School (North York)
Abbey Park High School
Academy for Student Athletic Development
Academic Catholique Ange-Gabriel
Acton District High School
Adam Scott Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Agincourt Collegiate Institute
Ajax High School
Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute
Aldershot High School
Alexander Henry High School
Alexander Mackenzie High School (Richmond Hill)
Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School (Sarnia)
All Saints Catholic Secondary School (Kanata)
All Saints Catholic Secondary School (Whitby)
Almaguin Highlands Secondary School
Almonte and District High School
Ancaster High School
Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Annandale School
Applewood Heights Secondary School
Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School
Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School (Mississauga)
Arnprior District High School
Arthur Voaden Secondary School
Assumption Catholic Secondary School (Burlington)
Assumption College School (Brantford)
Assumption College School (Windsor)
Athens District High School
Atikokan High School
Aurora High School
B. A. Parker Public School
Banting Memorial District High School
Barrie Central Collegiate Institute
Barrie North Collegiate Institute
Barton Secondary School
Bawating Collegiate and Vocational School
Bayridge Secondary School
Bayside Secondary School
Bayview Secondary School
Beamsville District Secondary School
Bear Creek Secondary School
Beaver Brae Secondary School
Bell High School
Belle River District High School
Bendale Business & Technical Institute
Bernie Custis Secondary School
Bill Crothers Secondary School
Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute
Bishop Alexander Carter Secondary School
Bishop Allen Academy
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton Catholic Secondary School
Bishop Paul Francis Reding Catholic Secondary School
Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School
Bishop Smith Catholic High School
Bishop Tonnos Catholic Secondary School
Blenheim District High School
Blessed Mary Teresa Catholic Secondary School
Blessed Trinity Secondary School
Bloor Collegiate Institute
Bluevale Collegiate Institute
Bluewater Secondary School
Bowmanville High School
Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School
Bradford District High School
Bramalea Secondary School
Brampton Centennial Secondary School
Brantford Collegiate Institute and Vocational School
Brebeuf College School
Brock High School
Brockville Collegiate Institute
Brookfield High School
Brooklin High School
Brookside Secondary School
Brother Edmund Rice Secondary School
Bruce Peninsula District School
Bur Oak Secondary School
Burlington Central High School
C. W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute
Cairine Wilson Secondary School
Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute
Campbellford District High School
Cantebury High School
Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts
Cardinal Carter Catholic Secondary (Aurora)
Cardinal Carter Secondary School (Leamington)
Cardinal Leger Secondary School
Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School (Stoney Creek)
Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School (Toronto)
Carleton Place High School
Cartwright High School
Castlebrooke Secondary School
Cathedral School
Catholic Central High School (London)
Catholic Central High School (Windsor)
Cawthra Park Secondary School
Cayuga Secondary School
Cecil Fracer Secondary School
Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute
Centennial Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Centennial Secondary School (Belleville)
Centennial Secondary School (Welland)
Central Algoma Secondary School
Central Elgin Collegiate Institute
Central Etobicoke High School
Central Huron Secondary School
Central Park Athletics
Central Peel Secondary School
Central Technical School
Central Toronto Academy
Centre Dufferin District High School
Centre Hastings Secondary School
Centre Professionel et Technique Minto
Centre Wellington District High School
Centres for Individual Study (CIS)
Century Secondary School
Chaminade College School
Chapleau High School
Char-Lan District High School
Chatham-Kent Secondary School
Chelmsford Valley District Composite School
Chesley District High School
Chinguacousy Secondary School
Chippewa Secondary School
Christ the King Catholic Secondary School
Clarington Central Secondary School
Clarke High School
Clarke Road Secondary School
Clarkson Secondary School
Clayton Brown Public School
Cobourg District CI West
Cobourg District Collegiate Institute
Cochrane High School
College Avenue Secondary School
Collège catholique Franco-Ouest
Collège catholique Samuel-Genest
Collège français
Collège Notre-Dame
Collingwood Collegiate Institute
Colonel By Secondary School
Confederation Secondary School
Contact Alternative School/OASIS Alternative School
Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School
Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School
Courtice Secondary School
Craig Kielburger Secondary School
Crestwood Secondary School
Crolancia School
Danforth Collegiate Institute and Technical School
Dante Aleghieri Academy
David & Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute
David Suzuki Secondary School
Delhi District Secondary School
Delta Secondary School
Denis Morris Catholic High School
Don Bosco Catholic Secondary School
Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Don Valley Junior High School
Donald A. Wilson Secondary School
Downsview Secondary School
Dr. John M. Denison Secondary School
Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute
Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School
Dr. G. W. William Secondary School
Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute
Drewry Secondary School
Dryden High School
DSBN Academy
Dunbarton High School
Dunnville Secondary School
E. L. Crossley Secondary School
Earl Haig Secondary School
Earl of March Secondary School
East Elgin Secondary School
East Northumberland Secondary School
East York Collegiate Institute
Eastdale Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Eastdale Collegiate Institute
Eastdale Secondary School
Eastern Commerce Collegiate Institute
Eastern Ontario Education and Training Centre
Eastside Secondary School
Eastview Secondary School
Eastwood Collegiate Institute
École Cap sur l’Avenir
École catholique Nouveau Regard
École catholique Anciet-Morin
École catholique André-Cary
École catholique Jacques-Cartier
École catholique Assomption
École catholique secondaire Marie-Rivier
École secondaire publique L’Odyssée
École secondaire Académie catholique Mère-Teresa
École secondaire Carrefour-Supérieur-Nord
École secondaire catholique Algonquin
École secondaire catholique Béatrice-Desloges
École secondaire catholique Champlain
École secondaire catholique de la Verendrye
École secondaire catholique Franco-Cité
ÉS catholique Franco-Ouest
École secondaire catholique Garneau
École secondaire catholique Jean-Vanier
École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord
École secondaire catholique L’Alliance
École secondaire catholique La Renaissance
École secondaire catholique l’Héritage
École secondaire catholique l'Horizon
École secondaire catholique Monseigneur-de-Charbonnel
École secondaire catholique Nouvelle Alliance
École secondaire catholique Pierre-Savard
École secondaire catholique Saint-Charles-Garnier
École secondaire catholique St. Joseph
École secondaire catholique Trillium
École secondaire Château-Jeunesse
École secondaire Cité-des-Jeunes
École secondaire Cité-Supérieure
École secondaire Confédération
École secondaire de la Rivière-des-Français
École secondaire de Pain Court
École secondaire De Casselman
École secondaire E. J. Lajeunesse
École secondaire Embrun
École secondaire Étienne-Brûlé
École secondaire Franco-Cité
École secondaire Franco-Jeunesse
École secondaire Gabriel-Dumont
École secondaire Georges-Vanier
École secondaire Hanmer
École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury
École secondaire catholique d l'innovation
École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet
École secondaire Hearst
École secondaire Jean-Vanier
École secondaire Jeunes sans frontières
École secondaire L’Orée des Bois
École secondaire L’Escale
École secondaire L'Essor
École secondaire Macdonald-Cartier
École secondaire Manitouwadge
École secondaire Monseigneur Bruyère
École secondaire Northern
École secondaire Notre Dame des Grands Lacs
École secondaire Père-René-de-Galinée
École secondaire publique De La Salle
École secondaire publique Deslauriers
École secondaire publique Gisèle Lalonde
École secondaire publique Kapuskasing Echo du Nord
École secondaire publique L'Alternative
École secondaire publique Louis-Riel
Ecole secondaire publique Marc-Garneau
École secondaire publique Mille-Illes
École secondaire Renaissance
École Secondaire Romeo Dallaire
École secondaire Sacré-Coeur
École secondaire Sainte-Famille
École secondaire Sainte-Marie
École secondaire Saint-François-Xavier
École secondaire Ste. Dominic Savio
École secondaire Ste-Marie
École secondaire Theriault
École secondaire Villa Française des Jeunes
Eden High School
Elizabeth Wyn Wood Alternate Program
Elsie MacGill Secondary School
Elliot Lake Secondary School
Elmira District Secondary School
Elmvale District High School
Emery Collegiate Institute
Emily Carr Secondary School
Erindale Secondary School
Ernestown Secondary School
Espanola High School
Essex District High School
Etobicoke Collegiate Institute
Etobicoke School of the Arts
F. E. Madill Secondary School
F. J. Brennan Catholic High School
F. J. McElligott Secondary School
Father Bressani Catholic High School
Father Donald MacLellan Catholic Secondary School
Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School
Father John Redmond Catholic Secondary School
Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School
Father Michael Goetz Secondary School
Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy
Fellowes High School
Fenelon Falls Secondary School
Fisherville Junior High School
Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School
Forest Heights Collegiate Institute
Forest Hill Collegiate Institute
Fort Erie International Academy
Fort Erie Secondary School
Fort Frances High School
Francis Libermann Catholic Secondary School
Frank Oke Secondary School
Frederick Banting Alternate Program
Frontenac Secondary School
G. L. Roberts Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Galt Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Gananoque Secondary School
Garth Webb Secondary School
General Amherst High School
General Panet High School
General-Vanier Secondary School
George Harvey Collegiate Institute
George S. Henry Academy
Georges Vanier Secondary School
Georgetown District High School
Georgian Bay Secondary School
Geraldton Composite School
Glebe Collegiate Institute
Glencoe District High School
Glendale Secondary School
Glenforest Secondary School
Glengarry District High School
Glenview Park Secondary School
Gloucester High School
Goderich District Collegiate Institute
Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary
Governor Simcoe Secondary School
Grand River Collegiate Institute
Granite Ridge Education Centre
Gravenhurst High School
Great Lakes Secondary School
Greenwood Secondary School
Grey Highlands Secondary School
Grimsby Secondary School
Guelph Collegiate and Vocational Institute
H. B. Beal Secondary School
Hagersville Secondary School
Haliburton Highland Secondary School
Hammarskjold High School
Harbord Collegiate Institute
Harold M. Brathwaite Secondary School
Harrow District High School
Hearst High School
Heart Lake Secondary School
Henry Street High School
Heydon Park Secondary School
Highland Junior High School
Highland Secondary School
Hill Park Secondary School
Hillcrest High School
Holy Cross Catholic Academy (Woodbridge)
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School (Kingston)
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School (Peterborough)
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School (Strathroy)
Holy Cross Secondary School (St. Catharines)
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary School
Holy Names High School
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Bradford)
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Cornwall)
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Kanata)
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Norfolk)
Holy Trinity Catholic High School (Simcoe)
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School (Courtice)
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School (Oakville)
Honourable W. C. Kennedy Collegiate Institute
Hornepayne High School
Humberside Collegiate Institute
Humberview Secondary School
Huntsville High School
Huron Heights Secondary School
Huron Park Secondary School
I. E. Weldon Secondary School
Ignace School
Immaculata High School
Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute
Innisdale Secondary School
Iona Catholic Secondary School
Iroquois Falls Secondary School
Iroquois Ridge High School
J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate
Jacob Hespeler Secondary School
James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic Secondary School
Jarvis Collegiate Institute
Jean Augustine Secondary School
Jean Vanier Catholic High School (Collingwood)
Jean Vanier Catholic High School (Richmond Hill)
John Cabot Catholic Secondary School
John Diefenbaker Secondary School
John Fraser Secondary School
John L. Forster Secondary School
John McCrae Secondary School
John McGregor Secondary School
John Paul II Catholic Secondary School
Judith Nyman Secondary School
Kapuskasing District High School
Kenner Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Kernahan Park Secondary School
Keswick High School
Kincardine District Secondary School
King City Secondary School
Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Kingsville District High School
Kipling Collegiate Institute
Kirkland Lake District Composite School
Kitchener Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School
Korah Collegiate and Vocational School
L' Amoreaux Collegiate Institute
La Salle Secondary School
Lake Superior High School
Lakefield District Secondary School
Lakehead Adult Education Centre
Lakeport Secondary School
Lakeshore Catholic High School (Port Colborne)
Lakeshore Collegiate Institute (Toronto)
Lambton Central Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Lambton Kent Composite School
Langstaff Secondary School
Lasalle Secondary School
Laura Secord Secondary School
Laurel Heights Secondary School
Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute
Leamington District Secondary School
Leaside High School
Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School (Ottawa)
Lester B. Pearson Collegiate Institute (Scarborough)
Lester B. Pearson High School
Lifetime Learning Centre Secondary School
Lincoln M. Alexander Secondary School
Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Lisgar Collegiate Institute
Listowel District Secondary School
Lively District Secondary School
Lockerby Composite School
Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School
London Central Secondary School
London South Secondary School
Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School
Lord Dorchester Secondary School
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School
Loretto College School
Lorne Park Secondary School
Louise Arbour Secondary School
Loyalist Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Loyola Catholic Secondary School
M. M. Robinson High School
MacKenzie High School
Madawaska Valley District High School
Madonna Catholic Secondary School
Malvern Collegiate Institute
Manitoulin Secondary School
Manitouwadge High School
Maple High School
Maplewood High School
Marathon High School
Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute
Marian Academy
Markham District High School
Markville Secondary School
Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School
Martingrove Collegiate Institute
Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School
Marymount Academy
Maryvale Adolescent and Family Services
Maxwell Heights Secondary School
Mayfield Secondary School
McKinnon Park Secondary School
Meadowvale Secondary School
Medway High School
Merivale High School
Michael Power/St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
Michipicoten High School
Middlefield Collegiate Institute
Midland SS
Milliken Mills High School
Milton District High School
Mississauga Secondary School
Mitchell District High School
Moira Secondary School
Monarch Park Collegiate Institute
Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School
Monsignor John Pereyma Catholic Secondary School
Monsignor Johnson Catholic Secondary School
Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School
Montcalm Secondary School
Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School (London)
Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School (Toronto)
Mother Teresa High School (Nepean)
Mountain Secondary School
Msgr Fraser College Secondary School
Nantyr Shores Secondary School
Napanee District Secondary School
Neil McNeil Catholic Secondary School
Nelson A. Boylen Collegiate Institute
Nelson High School
Nepean High School
Newmarket High School
Newtonbrook Secondary School
Niagara District Secondary School
Nicholson Catholic College
Nipigon Red Rock District High School
Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School
Norman Johnston Alternate Program
North Addington Education Centre
North Albion Collegiate Institute
North Dundas District High School
North Grenville District High School
North Hastings High School
North Lambton Secondary School
North Middlesex District High School
North Park Collegiate and Vocational School (Brantford)
North Park Secondary School (Brampton)
North Toronto Collegiate Institute
Northern Collegiate Institute and Vocational School
Northern Secondary School (Sturgeon Falls)
Northern Secondary School (Toronto)
Northview Heights Secondary School
Norwich District High School
Norwood District High School
Notre Dame Catholic High School (Carleton Place)
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (Ajax)
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (Brampton)
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (Burlington)
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School (Toronto)
Notre Dame College School (Welland)
Notre Dame High School (Ottawa)
Oakridge Secondary School
Oakville Trafalgar High School
Oakwood Collegiate Institute
O'Gorman High School
O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Opeongo High School
Orangeville District Secondary School
Orchard Park Secondary School
Orillia District Collegiate and Vocational School
Orillia Park Street Collegiate Institute
Osgoode Township High School
Oshawa Central Collegiate Institute
Ottawa-Carleton Virtual Secondary School
Ottawa Technical Learning School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Secondary School
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic High School
Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Paris District High School
Parkdale Collegiate Institute
Parkside Collegiate Institute (St. Thomas)
Parkside High School
Parkview Secondary School
Parry Sound High School
Patrick Fogarty Secondary School
Pauline Johnson Collegiate and Vocational School
Penetanguishene Secondary School
Peninsula Shores District School
Perth and District Collegiate Institute
Peterborough Collegiate and Vocational School
Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School
Pickering High School
Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School
Pine Ridge Secondary School
Pleasant View Junior High School
Pope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School
Port Colborne High School
Port Credit Secondary School
Port Dover Composite School
Port Hope High School
Port Perry High School
Preston High School
Prince Edward Collegiate Institute
Queen Elizabeth Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Queen Elizabeth District High School
Quinte Secondary School
R. H. King Academy
R. S. Mclaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Rainy River High School
Red Lake District High School
Regina Mundi College
Regina Pacis Catholic S.S.
Regiopolis-Notre Dame Catholic High School
Renfrew Collegiate Institute
Resurrection Catholic Secondary School
Richard Pfaff Alternate Program
Richmond Green Secondary School
Richmond Hill High School
Richview Collegiate Institute
Rick Hansen Secondary School
Rideau District High School
Rideau High School
Ridgemont High School
Ridgetown District High School
Ridgeway and Crystal Beach High School
Ripley-Huron Community School
Riverdale Collegiate Institute
Riverside Secondary School
Robert Bateman High School
Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
Rockland District High School
Roland Michener Secondary School
Rosedale Heights School of the Arts
Rothwell-Osnabruck School
Runnymede Collegiate Institute
Russell High School
Sacred Heart Catholic High School (Newmarket)
Sacred Heart High School (Brockton)
Sacred Heart High School (Stittsville)
Saint Michael High School (Niagara Falls)
Saint Paul High School
Saltfleet High School
Sandalwood Heights Secondary School
Sandwich Secondary School
Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School
Saugeen District Secondary School
Saunders Secondary School
Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy
School of Experiential Education
Seaway District High School
Senator O’Connor College School
Sharbot Lake High School
Sherwood Secondary School
Silverthorn Collegiate Institute
Simcoe Composite School
Sinclair Secondary School
Sir Allan MacNab Secondary School
Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School
Sir George Ross Secondary School
Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
Sir James Dunn Collegiate and Vocational School
Sir John A Macdonald Secondary School (Hamilton)
Sir John A. Macdonald Collegiate Institute (Scarborough)
Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute
Sir Robert Borden High School
Sir Robert L Borden Business & Technical Institute
Sir Sandford Fleming Academy - North York
Sir Sandford Fleming Academy - Scarborough
Sir Wilfred Laurier Secondary School (London)
Sir Wilfred Laurier Secondary School (Orleans)
Sir Wilfred Laurier Secondary School (Scarborough)
Sir William Mulock Secondary School
Sir William Osler High School
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School (Hamilton)
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School (St. Catharines)
Smiths Falls District Collegiate Institute
Smooth Rock Falls Secondary School
South Carleton High School
South Grenville District High School
South Huron District High School
South Lincoln High School
Southwood Secondary School
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Secondary School
St. André Bessette Catholic Secondary School
St. Andrew's Junior High School
St. Anne Catholic High School (Belle River)
St. Anne's Catholic School (Clinton)
St. Augustine Catholic High School
St. Basil Secondary School
St. Basil-the-Great College School
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School (Cambridge)
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School (Sudbury)
St. Brother André Catholic High School
St. Catharines Collegiate Institute and Vocational School
St. Charles College
St. Christopher Catholic Secondary School
St. Clair Secondary School
St. David Catholic Secondary School
St. Dominic Catholic Secondary School
St. Edmund Campion Secondary School
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
St. Francis Catholic Secondary School (St. Catharines)
St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School (Hammond)
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School (Milton)
St. Francis Xavier High School (Ottawa)
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary
St. Jean de Brébeuf Catholic High School (York)
St. Jean de Brébeuf Catholic Secondary School (Hamilton)
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School (Mississauga)
St. Joan of Arc Catholic High School (York)
St. John Catholic High School
St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School
St. John's College
St. Joseph’s College School (Toronto)
St. Joseph’s High School (Nepean)
St. Joseph’s Morrow Park Catholic Secondary School
St. Josephine Virtual High School
St. Joseph's Catholic High School (Barrie)
St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School (Mississauga)
St. Joseph's High School (Renfrew)
St. Joseph's High School (St. Thomas)
St. Joseph's High School (Windsor)
St. Joseph's Secondary School (Cornwall)
St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Secondary School
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Secondary School
St. Lawrence High School
St. Luke Catholic High School
St. Luke Catholic Learning Centre
St. Marcellinus Secondary School
St. Marguerite d'Youville Secondary School
St. Mark High School
St. Martin Secondary School
St. Mary Catholic Secondary School (Pickering)
St. Mary’s District Collegiate and Vocational Institute (St. Marys)
St. Mary's College Separate School (Sault Ste. Marie)
St. Mary's High School (Brockville)
St. Mary's High School (Kitchener)
St. Mary's High School (Owen Sound)
St. Mary's High Schoo (Walkerton)
St. Mary's High School (Woodstock)
St. Mary's Secondary School (Cobourg)
St. Mary's Separate School (Hamilton)
St. Matthew High School
St. Maximillian Kolbe Catholic High School
St. Michael Catholic Secondary School (Stratford)
St. Michael High School (Kemptville)
St. Michael’s Choir School
St. Michael's Secondary School (Windsor)
St. Mother Theresa Catholic Academy
St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School (Toronto)
St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School (Toronto)
St. Patrick High School (Thunder Bay)
St. Patrick's Catholic Secondary School (Sarnia)
St. Patrick's High School (Ottawa)
St. Paul Catholic Secondary School (Trenton)
St. Paul High School (Mississauga)
St. Paul High School (Ottawa)
St. Peter High School (Orleans)
St. Peter's Catholic Secondary School (Barrie)
St. Peter's Secondary School (Peterborough)
St. Pius X High School
St. Robert Catholic High School
St. Roch Catholic Secondary School
St. Stephen’s Secondary School
St. Theresa Secondary School (Belleville)
St. Theresa's Catholic High School (Midland)
St. Therese of Lisieux Catholic High School
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (Tottenham)
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (Hamilton)
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (Russell)
St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Kenora)
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School (London)
St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School
St. Thomas of Villanova Secondary School
Stamford Collegiate
Stayner Collegiate Institute
Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute
Stephen Lewis Secondary School (Mississauga)
Stephen Lewis Secondary School (Thornhill)
Stouffville District Secondary School
Stratford Central Secondary School
Stratford Northwestern Public School
Strathroy District Collegiate Institute
Streetsville Secondary School
Sudbury Secondary School
Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Superior Heights Collegiate and Vocational School
Sutton District High School
Sydenham High School
T. L. Kennedy Secondary School
Tagwi Secondary School
Tecumseh Vista Academy
Thames Secondary School
The Woodlands Secondary School
Thistletown Collegiate Institute
Thomas A. Blakelock High School
Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School
Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
Thornhill Secondary School
Thorold Secondary School
Thousand Islands Secondary School
Tilbury District High School
Timiskaming District Secondary School
Timmins High and Vocational School
Tollgate Technological Skills Centre
Trenton High School
Trinity College School
Turner Fenton Secondary School
Twin Lakes Secondary School
Unionville High School
Ursula Franklin Academy
Ursuline College
Uxbridge Secondary School
Valley Heights Secondary School
Valour JK-12 School
Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute
Vaughan Road Academy
Vaughan Secondary School
Victoria Park Collegiate Institute
Vincent Massey Secondary School
W. A. Porter Collegiate Institute (SATEC)
W. C. Eaket Secondary School
W. F. Herman Secondary School
Walkerton District Secondary School
Walkerville Secondary School
Wallaceburg District Secondary School
Waterdown District High School
Waterford District High School
Waterloo Collegiate Institute
Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School
West Carleton High School
West Credit Secondary School
West Elgin Secondary School
West Ferris Secondary School
West Hill Collegiate Institute
West Hill Secondary School
West Humber Collegiate Institute
West Park Secondary School
Westdale Secondary School
Western Secondary School
Western Technical & Commercial School
Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Westlane Secondary School
Westminster Secondary School
Westmount Collegiate Institute (Thornhill)
Westmount Secondary School (Hamilton)
Weston Collegiate Institute
Westside Secondary School
Westview Centennial Secondary School
Westview Freedom Academy
Westwood Junior High School
Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts
White Oaks Secondary School
White Pines Collegiate and Vocational School
Widdifield Secondary School
William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute
Windfields Junior High School
Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute
Woburn Collegiate Institute
Woodbine Junior High School
Woodbridge College
Woodroffe High School
Woodstock Collegiate Institute
York Humber High School
York Memorial Collegiate Institute
York Mills Collegiate Institute
Yorkdale Secondary School
Zion Heights Junior High School

Province :

Communiquez avec nous si vous désirez vous joindre à notre programme.

Province :

  • 982 000 jeunes du Québec ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 400 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • 68 000 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 
  • Plus de 3 600 enseignants sont formés comme instructeurs en RCR pour former leurs élèves. 
  • ACT optimise présentement le programme de RCR avec la formation sur le DEA.  

A.S. Johnson Memorial School (Thetford Mines)
Académie de Roberval (Montréal)
Académie Dunton (Montréal)
Académie Les Estacades (Trois-Rivières)
Alexander Galt Regional High School (Sherbrooke)
Beaconsfield High School (Beaconsfield)
Beurling Academy (Verdun)
Bonaventure Polyvalent School (Bonaventure)
Centennial Regional High School (Greenfield Park)
Centre d’excellence en formation industrielle (Windsor)
Centre de qualification professionnelle et d’entrepreneuriat de Laval (Laval)
Centre éducatif l’Abri (Port-Cartier)
Centre Éducatif St-Aubin (Baie-St-Paul)
Centre Jeunesse l’Escale (Cap-Rouge)
Centre Saint-Louis (Québec)
Chateauguay Valley Regional High School (Ormstown)
Cité étudiante Polyno (LaSarre)
Cité étudiante Roberval (Roberval)
Cité-étudiante de la Haute-Gatineau (Maniwaki)
Collège de l’Horizon (Trois-Rivières)
Collège des Compagnons (Sainte-Foy)
Collège St-Louis (LaSalle)
D’Arcy McGee High School (Aylmer)
Dollard-des-Ormeaux School (Courcelette)
Dr. Wilbert Keon High School (Chapeau)
École Antoine-Bernard (Carleton)
École Antoine-Roy (Rivière-au-Renard)
École Armand-Corbeil (Terrebonne)
École aux Quatre-Vents (Bonaventure)
École Bonnier (Mercier)
École C.E. Pouliot (Gaspé)
École Curé-Hébert (Hébertville)
École d’éducation International de Laval (Chomedey)
École d’Éducation Internationale (McMasterville)
École de l’Escabelle (Cap-Chat)
École de l’Horizon (Le Gardeur)
École de l’Odyssée (La Plaine)
École de la Montée – Saint-François (Sherbrooke)
École des Deux-Rivières (Matapédia)
École des Hauts-Sommets (St-Jérôme)
École des métiers de l’horticulture de Montréal (Montréal)
École des Pionniers - Pavillon Laure-Gaudreault (Saint-Augustin)
École des Prospecteurs (Murdochville)
École des Trois-Saisons (Terrebonne)
École des Vieux-Moulins (Saint-Hubert)
École Dominique-Savio (Montréal)
École du Carrefour (Latulipe)
École du Méandre (L’Annonciation)
École Du Mistral (Mont-Joli)
École du Parcours (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)
École du SAS (Outremont)
École Eulalie-Durocher
École F.A.C.E. (Montréal)
École Fréchette (Anse-St-Jean)
École Gabriel- Dionne (Tête-à-la-Baleine)
École Gabriel-Le-Courtois (Sainte-Anne-des-Monts)
École Georges-Vanier (St-Vincent-de-Paul)
École Gilbert-Théberge (Témiscaming)
École Henri-Julien (Montréal)
École Horizon-Jeunesse (Laval)
École Iberville (Rouyn-Noranda)
École intermédiaire Jacques Leber (St-Constant)
École Internationale de Montréal (Montréal)
École internationale Lucille-Teasdale (Brossard)
École Internationale Saint-Emond (Greenfield Park)
École Jacques-Rousseau (Radisson)
École Jean-Gauthier (Alma)
École Jean-Rimbault (Drummondville)
École l’Envolée (Repentigny)
École La Porte-du-Nord (Chibougamau)
École La Taïga (Lebel-sur-Quévillon)
École Le Bois-Vivant (New-Richmond)
École Le Delta (Matagami)
École Le Filon (Chapais)
École Le Prélude (Mascouche)
École Le Tournant (Dolbeau-Mistassini)
École Le Tremplin (Chambly)
École Le Vitrail (Montréal)
École Louis-Cyr (Napierville)
École Louis-Garnier (Rivière-du-Tonnerre)
École Marcel-Raymond (Lorrainville)
École Monseigneur-Labrie (Havre-St-Pierre)
École Monseigneur-Sévigny (Chandler)
École Mont-de-LaSalle (Laval)
École Natagan (Barraute)
École orientante L’Impact (Boucherville)
École Polyvalente de Dégelis (Dégelis)
École Polyvalente de Paspébiac (Paspébiac)
École Polyvalente du Transcontinental (Pohénégamook)
École Polyvalente La Pocatière (La Pocatière)
École Polyvalente Paul-Hubert (Rimouski)
École Rivière-des-Quinze (Notre-Dame-du-Nord)
École Roger-Martineau (Natashquan)
École Rosalie-Jetté (Montréal)
École Sacré-Cœur (Gracefield)
École Sainte-Martine (Sainte-Martine)
École Saint-Stanislas (St-Jérôme)
École Scheffer (Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon)
École sec. François-Williams (St-Amable)
École secondaire Ste-Anne (Daveluyville)
École secondaire A.N. Morin (Ste-Adèle)
École secondaire André-Laurendeau (St-Hubert)
École secondaire Antoine-Brossard (Brossard)
École secondaire Antoine-de-St-Exupéry (Montréal)
École Secondaire Armand-Frappier (St-Constant)
École secondaire Arthur-Pigeon (Huntingdon)
École secondaire Barthélemy-Joliette (Joliette)
École secondaire Beaulieu (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
École secondaire Beaurivage (St-Agapit)
École secondaire Bermon (St-Gabriel-de-Brandon)
École secondaire Bernard-Gariépy (Sorel-Tracy)
École secondaire Bon-Pasteur (L’Islet)
École secondaire Cabano (Témiscouata-sur-le-lac)
École secondaire Calixa-Lavallée (Montréal-Nord)
École secondaire Camille-Lavoie (Alma)
École secondaire Cap-Jeunesse (St-Jérôme)
École secondaire Cardinal-Roy (Québec)
École secondaire Casavant (St-Hyacinthe)
École secondaire Cavelier-de-Lasalle (LaSalle)
École secondaire Chanoine-Armand-Racicot (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
École secondaire Chanoine-Beaudet (Saint-Pascal)
École secondaire Charles-Gravel (Chicoutimi)
École secondaire Chavigny (Trois-Rivières)
École secondaire Chêne-Bleu (Pincourt)
École secondaire Chomedey-de-Maisonneuve (Montréal)
École secondaire Curé-Antoine-Labelle (Ste-Rose)
École secondaire d’Anjou (Montréal - Anjou)
École secondaire d’Oka (Oka)
École secondaire Dalbé-Viau (Lachine)
École secondaire Daniel-Johnson (Montréal – PAT)
École secondaire de Chambly (Chambly)
École secondaire de Champagnat (LaTuque)
École secondaire de l’Achigan (St-Roch-de-l’Achigan)
École secondaire de l’Amitié (L’Assomption)
École secondaire de l’Aubier (Saint-Romuald)
École secondaire de l’Érablière (Gatineau)
École secondaire de l’Érablière (St-Félix-de-Valois)
École secondaire de l’Escale (Louiseville)
École secondaire de l’Horizon (Saint-Jean-Chrysostome)
École secondaire de l’Île (Gatineau)
École secondaire de l’Odyssée (Valcourt)
École secondaire de l’Odyssée / Dominique-Racine (Saguenay)
École secondaire de la Baie-Saint-François (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)
École secondaire de la Cité-des-Jeunes (Vaudreuil-Dorion)
École secondaire de la Haute-Ville (Granby)
École secondaire de la Magdeleine (La Prairie)
École secondaire de la Rive (Lavaltrie)
École secondaire de la Rive-Nord (Bois-des-Filion)
École secondaire de la Ruche (Magog)
École secondaire de la Seigneurie (Québec)
École secondaire de Mirabel (Mirabel)
École secondaire de Mortagne (Boucherville)
École secondaire de Rivière-du-Loup (Rivière-du-Loup)
École secondaire de Rochebelle (Sainte-Foy)
École secondaire de Saint-Anselme (Saint-Anselme)
École secondaire de Saint-Damien (Saint-Damien)
École secondaire de Trois-Pistoles (Trois-Pistoles)
École secondaire des Cheminots (Delson)
École secondaire des Chutes (Rawdon)
École secondaire des Chutes (Shawinigan)
École secondaire des Grandes-Marées (Cap-Rouge)
École secondaire des Lacs (La Pêche)
École secondaire des Montagnes (St-Michel-des-Saints)
École secondaire des Patriotes (Saint-Eustache)
École secondaire des Patriotes de Beauharnois (Beauharnois)
École secondaire des Pionniers (Trois-Rivières)
École secondaire des Rives (Lachenaie)
École secondaire des Sources (Dollard-des-Ormeaux)
École secondaire des Studios (St-Jérôme)
École secondaire des Timoniers (Ste-Catherine)
École secondaire Donnacona (Donnacona)
École secondaire Dorval – Jean XXIII (Dorval)
École secondaire Dr. Alexis-Bouthillier (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
École secondaire du Coteau (Mascouche)
École secondaire du Grand-Coteau (Ste-Julie)
École secondaire du Harfang (Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines)
École secondaire du Littoral (Grande-Rivière)
École secondaire du Moulin (Trois-Rivières)
École secondaire du Phare (Sherbrooke)
École secondaire du Plateau (La Malbaie)
École secondaire du Rocher (Grand-mère)
École secondaire du Tournesol (Windsor)
École secondaire du Triolet (Sherbrooke)
École secondaire du Versant (Gatineau)
École secondaire Edouard-Montpetit (Montréal)
École secondaire Émilien-Frenette (St-Jérôme)
École secondaire Esdras-Minville (Grande-Vallée)
École secondaire Évangéline (Montréal)
École secondaire Fadette (St-Hyacinthe)
École secondaire Félix-Leclerc (Dorval)
École secondaire Félix-Leclerc (Repentigny)
École secondaire Fernand-Lefebvre (Sorel-Tracy)
École secondaire Fernand-Séguin (Candiac)
École secondaire Georges Vanier (Montréal)
École secondaire Gérard-Filion (Longueuil)
École secondaire Grande-Rivière (Gatineau)
École secondaire Grandes-Marées (La Baie)
École secondaire Henri-Bourassa (Montréal)
École secondaire Henri-Dunant (Blainville)
École secondaire Honoré-Mercier (Montréal)
École secondaire Hormisdas-Gamelin (Gatineau)
École secondaire Jacques-Rousseau (Longueuil)
École secondaire Jean-Baptiste-Meilleur (Repentigny)
École secondaire Jean-de-Brébeuf (Québec)
École secondaire Jean-du-Nord (Sept-Îles)
École secondaire Jean-Grou (Montréal)
École secondaire Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Boisbriand)
École secondaire Jean-Jacques-Bertrand (Farnham)
École secondaire Jeanne-Mance (Montréal)
École secondaire Jeanne-Mance / Pav. Mayrand (Drummondville)
École secondaire Jean-Nicolet (Nicolet)
École secondaire Joseph-François Perrault (Montréal)
École secondaire Joseph-François Perrault (Québec)
École secondaire Joseph-Hermas-Leclerc (Granby)
École secondaire Josephine-Dandurand (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
École secondaire Kénogami (Kénogami)
École secondaire L’Escale (Asbestos)
École secondaire L’Odyssée (Val-Bélair)
École secondaire La Camaradière (Québec)
École secondaire La Concorde (Senneterre)
École secondaire La Courvilloise (Beauport)
École secondaire La Découverte (St-Léonard-d’Aston)
École secondaire La Frontalière (Coaticook)
École secondaire La Rencontre (Saint-Pamphile)
École secondaire La Voie (Montréal)
École secondaire Le Boisé (Victoriaville)
École secondaire Le Carrefour (Varennes)
École secondaire Le Sommet (Québec)
École secondaire Le Tandem (Victoriaville)
École secondaire Le Tremplin (Malartic)
École secondaire Leblanc (Laval)
École secondaire Léopold-Gravel (Terrebonne)
École secondaire Les Etchemins (Charny)
École secondaire Les Seigneuries (St-Pierre-les-Becquets)
École secondaire Liberté-Jeunesse (Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac)
École secondaire Louise-Trichet (Montréal)
École secondaire Louis-Jacques-Casault (Montmagny)
École secondaire Louis-Jobin (Saint-Raymond)
École secondaire Louis-Joseph-Papineau (Montréal)
École secondaire Louis-Joseph-Papineau (Papineauville)
École secondaire Louis-Philippe-Paré (Châteauguay)
École secondaire Louis-Riel (Montréal)
École secondaire Lucien-Pagé (Montréal)
École secondaire Lucille-Teasdale (Blainville)
École secondaire Manikoutai (Sept-Îles) mannequins de ES Jean-du-Nord
École secondaire Marguerite-Bourgeois (Châteauguay)
École secondaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
École secondaire Marguerite-de-Lajemmerais (Montréal)
École secondaire Massey-Vanier (Cowansville)
École secondaire Mgr. Parent (Saint-Hubert)
École secondaire Mgr-Euclide-Théberge (Marieville)
École secondaire Mitchell-Montcalm (Sherbrooke)
École secondaire Monique-Proulx (Warwick)
École secondaire Monseigneur-Richard (Verdun)
École secondaire Mont Saint-Anne (Beaupré)
École secondaire Mont-Bleu (Gatineau)
École secondaire Mont-Bruno (St-Bruno)
École secondaire Mont-Royal (Mont-Royal)
École secondaire Neufchâtel (Neufchatel)
École secondaire Ozias-Leduc (Mont-St-Hilaire)
École secondaire Pamphile-Le-May (Ste-Croix)
École secondaire participative L’Agora (Greenfield Park)
École secondaire Paul-Arseneau (L’Assomption)
École secondaire Paul-Gérin-Lajoie-d’Outremont (Outremont)
École secondaire Paul-Germain-Ostiguy (Saint-Césaire)
École secondaire Paul-le-Jeune (St-Tite)
École secondaire Père-Marquette (Montréal)
École secondaire Pierre-Bédard (Saint-Rémi)
École secondaire Pierre-de-Lestage (Berthierville)
École secondaire Pierre-Dupuy (Montréal)
École secondaire Pierre-Laporte (Mont-Royal)
École secondaire Pointe-aux-Trembles (Montréal – PAT)
École secondaire Pointe-Lévy (Lévis)
École secondaire Polybel (Beloeil)
École secondaire René-Saint-Pierre (Saint-Hyacinthe)
École secondaire Robert-Gravel (Montréal)
École secondaire Roger-Comtois (Loretteville)
École secondaire Rose-Virginie-Pelletier (Pierrefonds)
École secondaire Saint-Charles (Saint-Charles)
École secondaire Saint-Georges (Senneville)
École secondaire Saint-Henri (St-Henri)
École secondaire Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Longueuil)
École secondaire Saint-Luc (Montréal)
École secondaire Saint-Marc (Saint-Marc-des-Carrières)
École secondaire Saint-Paul (Saint-Paul)
École secondaire Samuel-de-Champlain (Beauport)
École secondaire Serge-Bouchard (Baie-Comeau)
École secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge (Fort Coulonge)
École secondaire Sophie-Barat (Montréal)
École secondaire Soulanges (Saint-Polycarpe)
École secondaire Ste-Marie (Princeville)
École secondaire Ste-Marie (St-Jean-de-Dieu)
École secondaire St-François-Xavier (La Prairie)
École secondaire St-Gabriel (Sainte-Thérèse)
École secondaire St-Laurent (St-Laurent)
École secondaire St-Maxime (Chomedey)
École secondaire St-Pierre et des Sentiers (Québec)
École secondaire Thérèse-Martin (Joliette)
École secondaire Vallée-des-Lacs (Squatec)
École secondaire Val-Mauricie (Shawinigan-Sud)
École secondaire Vanier (Québec)
École secondaire Veilleux (Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce)
École secondaire Wilfrid-Léger (Waterloo)
École Ste-Famille / aux Trois-Chemins (Thurso)
École St-Maxime (Mont-Louis)
École St-Pierre (Île-aux-coudres)
Escumiac Intermediate School (Escumiac)
Evergreen High School (Chandler)
G. Théberge School (Temiscaming)
Gaspe Polyvalent (Gaspé)
Golden Valley School (Val d’Or)
Grosse Île High School (Grosse Île)
Harrington School (Harrington Harbour)
Heritage Regional High School (St-Hubert)
Howard S. Billings High School (Châteauguay)
James Lyng High School (Montreal)
John F. Kennedy High School (Montreal)
John Rennie High School (Pointe-Claire)
Joliette High School (Joliette)
La Tuque High School (La Tuque)
Lake of Two Mountains High School (Deux-Montagnes)
Lakeside Academy (Lachine)
LaSalle Comm. Comp. High School (LaSalle)
Laurenhill Academy (Saint-Laurent)
Laurentian Regional High School (Lachute)
Laurier Macdonald High School (St-Léonard)
Laurier Sr High School (Chomedey - Laval)
Laval Jr. High School (Laval)
Laval Liberty High School (Laval)
Lester B. Pearson High School (Montreal)
Lindsay Place High School (Pointe-Claire)
MacDonald High School (Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue)
Maison Familiale Rurale du Granit (Saint-Romain)
Maison Familiale Rurale du Lac-Mégantic (Lac-Mégantic)
Maniwaki Woodland High School (Maniwaki)
Marymount Academy (Montréal)
Massey-Vanier Regional High School (Cowansville)
Mc Lean Memorial School (Chibougamau)
Mecatina School (La Tabatière)
Metis Beach (Métis-sur-Mer)
Mountainview High School (Prévost)
Netagamiou School (Chevery)
New Carlisle High School (New Carlisle)
New Richmond High School (New Richmond)
Noranda School (Rouyn-Noranda)
Pavillon secondaire Havre-Jeunesse (Sainte-Julienne)
Pavillon Wilbrod-Dufour (Alma)
Philemon Wright High School (Gatineau)
Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School (Pierrefonds)
Polyvalente Armand-St-Onge (Amqui)
Polyvalente Arvida (Jonquière)
Polyvalente Bélanger (Saint-Martin)
Polyvalente Benoît-Vachon (Sainte-Marie)
Polyvalente Black Lake (Black Lake)
Polyvalente Curé-Mercure (Mont-Tremblant)
Polyvalente de Charlesbourg (Charlesbourg)
Polyvalente de Jonquière (Jonquière)
Polyvalente de l’Ancienne-Lorette (Ancienne-Lorette)
Polyvalente de Matane (Matane)
Polyvalente de Saint-Georges (Saint-Georges)
Polyvalente de Sayabec (Sayabec)
Polyvalente de Ste-Thérèse (Sainte-Thérèse)
Polyvalente de Thetford Mines (Thetford Mines)
Polyvalente des Abénaquis (Saint-Prosper)
Polyvalente des Appalaches (Sainte-Justine)
Polyvalente des Baies (Baie-Comeau)
Polyvalente des Berges ( Les Bergeronnes)
Polyvalente des Îles (Étang-du-Nord)
Polyvalente des Monts (Ste-Agathe-des-Monts)
Polyvalente des Rivières (Forestville)
Polyvalente Deux-Montagnes (Deux-Montagnes)
Polyvalente Disraeli (Disraeli)
Polyvalente Forimont (Causapscal)
Polyvalente Horizon-Blanc (Fermont)
Polyvalente Hyacinthe-Delorme (St-Hyacinthe)
Polyvalente Jean-Dolbeau (Dolbeau-Mistassini)
Polyvalente La Forêt (Amos)
Polyvalente La Poudrière (Drummondville)
Polyvalente La Samare (Plessisville)
Polyvalente Lavigne (Lachute)
Polyvalente Le Carrefour (Gatineau)
Polyvalente Le Carrefour (Val-d’Or)
Polyvalente Louis-Saint-Laurent (East Angus)
Polyvalente Marcel-Landry (Iberville)
Polyvalente Marie-Rivier (Drummondville)
Polyvalente Montignac (Lac-Mégantic)
Polyvalente Nicolas-Gatineau (Gatineau)
Polyvalente Normandin (Normandin)
Polyvalente Quatre-Vents (Saint-Félicien)
Polyvalente Robert-Ouimet (Acton Vale)
Polyvalente Saint-François (Beauceville)
Polyvalente St-Jérôme (St-Jérôme)
Polyvalente St-Joseph (Mont-Laurier)
Pontiac High School (Shawville)
Quebec High School (Quebec)
Queen Elizabeth High School (Sept-Îles)
Richmond Regional High School (Richmond)
Riverdale High School (Pierrefonds)
Riverside Regional High School (Jonquière)
Rosemere High School (Rosemère)
Rosemount High School (Montréal)
Royal Vale High School (Montreal)
Royal West Academy (Montréal)
Saint-Lambert International High School (St-Lambert)
Shawinigan High School (Shawinigan)
St. Augustine School (Rivière Saint-Augustin)
St. Paul School (Rivière Saint-Paul)
St. Thomas High School (Pointe-Claire)
St.Michael’s High School (Low)
Ste-Agathe Academy (Ste-Agathe-des-Monts)
St-Johns High School (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu)
St-Patrick High School (Quebec)
Three Rivers Academy (Trois-Rivières)
Vincent Massey Collegiate (Montreal)
Westmount High School (Montreal)
Westwood H.S. Senior Campus (Hudson)

Province :

  • 43 500 jeunes de la Saskatchewan ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour. 
  • 13 écoles secondaires ont intégré le programme.
  • Plus de 2 800 élèves sont formés chaque année par leurs enseignants. 

Aden Bowman Collegiate
Archbishop MC O’Neill High School
Bishop James Mahoney High School
Bishop Murray High School
E.D. Feehan High School
Holy Cross High School
Joe Duquette High School
Luther College
Mount Royal Collegiate
Nutana Collegiate
Oskāyak High School
St. Joseph High School
Walter Murray Collegiate

Territoire :

  • La Fondation ACT a intégré le Programme de RCR et DEA au secondaire au Yukon en 2016. 
  • 1 000 jeunes du Yukon ont été formés en RCR, à ce jour.

St. Elias Community School